Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday 090415


Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Compare to 090301.

John's new nickname is "Street Fighter."


John said...

Maaaan this sucks. I'm dying to know what the picture is, but the Suits at my company seem to believe displays inappropriate photos.

"Hang Power Cleans" should be called "Hang Shatter Your Clavicles."

Jeremy said...

Today's WOD is deceptive...looks easy on paper but I was dying! 10:45

Unknown said...

Ha! Ha! Ha!. There it is again. The famous Street Fighter face. Another good one.

I actually don't mind a Helen. My last time was 13:48. I would like a shot at this one again.

John - not sure if you can see your email at work but I'll send you the picture.

John said...

No I can't! will work though.

Andy said...

I really hate not being able to go. Unfortunately, I will have to be out for a while. I am getting surgery this Saturday on my ankle.

Hope to see you all soon

Jeremy said...


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I finally started my 5 year old son, Joey, on Crossfit as of today. He is considered a Buttercup. His WOD for today was:

2 Rounds
10 Box Jumps, 10-12"
1 Beginner Rope climb
10 Box jumps, 10-12"
10 Dumbbell Push press, 3-5#'s
10 Box jumps, 10-12"
10 Squats

For the rope climb I tied a 20lb dumbbell to a rope and hung it over the fence. He had to pull it up to the top of the fence. He had a hard time with is so I helped the dumbbell up.

Joey's first Crossfit WOD time - 6:01.

I had our 10 year old Cristina and my 8 year old niece Anamar also do it and their time 3:28/3:49 respectively.

They had a blast. I will be doing more with them this week.

I see Crossfit Roselle incorporating Crossfit Kids in the future.....

Jason said...

I like the CrossFit Kids idea. I'll be looking in to that in the future. 7:46 for Helen. New PR.