Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday 090430


21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Post time to comments.

Compare to 090129.

I think everyone felt how much more output is needed in order to go chest to bar as opposed to chin over bar during yesterday's WOD. Let's experiment and see how much we can improve our pull-ups over the next 30 days by going chest to bar during the warm up and any WODs. Cross your fingers and hope that we don't have a 100+ pull-up WOD during this stretch!


Unknown said...

This one with the chest to bar was way tougher than it looked. I started to enjoy the leg workout the squat snatch gives you. It felt good to get into rythm.

John said...

The suits are giving us pizza and ice cream because they "appreciate" all our "hard work."

"Thank you, but these poor forms of sustenance would significantly decrease my ability to efficiently perform multiple squat cleans and ring dips. You got any brussels sprouts?"

Kathy said...

I don't mind the chest to bar with the band, I don't think I can do them without yet. Maybe in 30 days!

Unknown said...

Yeah John, I fell into that trap yesterday. They hooked us up with pizza yesterday and I took advantage of it. As a result the squat snatch was a bitch.

Are you making fun of me or is your company really getting you pizza too?

Kathy said...

Blame it on the Pizza Norberto! :) Heidi tells me you were sulking today that two ladies beat you in the workout!

Maybe Jess and I are the next Eva and Jolie! ;)

Unknown said...

I am going to blame it on the pizza, Kaiser, the chalk, my knee, Jason, John for not being there to support me, oh and the 3 oatmeal cookies I ate after the pizza as well. I'll get you next time.

John said...

haha making fun of you, Norberto? Of all the ways I could make fun of you, do you think I'd go with, "your company bought you pizza yesterday"?

No they really got it for us. People on my team got to eat more because I was content with my meat, fruit, and nuts. Papa John's is kind of bush league, anyways.

Unknown said...

Oh I thought you heard of my ass whippin I took from Kathy yesterday and how I was talking about the pizza I ate earlier was killing me in my workout. Never mind. I should have done what you did and stuck to my lunch. I was hurtin.

Unknown said...

I should have been there to say "the wall son!!"

Jason said...
