Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
24 inch Box Jump, 30 reps
115 pound Push Press, 20 reps
30 Pull-ups
Post rounds completed to comments.
Pre-workout meals. What do you eat before a workout, and how long before do you eat it?
I don't think eating before a workout is a good idea, you should time your meals so that you have energy before for a workout but if I ate before training I know that Mr. Pukie would come for a visit!
I usually eat a large bowl of pasta with Alfredo sauce 30 minutes before the workout. I believe in loading up on my carbs. Is that wrong? Just kidding...Actually, I won't eat unless I have 2 - 3 hours time frame before a workout. If that's the case I'll eat two chicken breast and some vegis. Or I'll take a protein shake.
I do very well during the week. The question is how do you handle weekends? Family get-togethers, parties, going out to the movies (gotta have popcorn), etc. How do you guys(and gals) deal with it?
After a good hard workout like "Fight Gone Bad" or "Filthy Fifty", I like to go to Burger King and eat a Double Angry Whopper. Those make me feel real good.
Really, when I was working out, I would eat a small snack about 2 hours before the workout. Two hours prior to the snack I would have my lunch. So I felt I had enough energy by the time I worked out.
After my workout, I would get home and start cooking for dinner. At this point, I would be eating approximately 1 hour after I workout.
For the most part...
4:05ish: A small amount of some sort of meat, a large amount of some sort of green vegetable (or some fruit or some of these whole oats I just got that take like 50 to 60+ mins to cook), and some almonds and/or macadamias (I just picked up a pound of raw macadamias... in-F'ing-credible)
7~7:30ish: 3~6 eggs, 1/2+ avocado, El Yucateco hot sauce, a big bowl of fruit, and a few cups to a large pot of black coffee.
What the hell John? Thats a big breakfast on Saturdays.
I usually eat a 2 block zone snack approx 2 hours before any workout. Especially on weekdays. That can consist of a piece of fruit, usually an apple, an orange or a 1 cup of grapes, plus 2 hard boiled eggs or 2 oz of cold cut meat plus 6 almonds. Right as I'm running out the door to the gym I grab a small handful of almonds, approx 6-10 more to add more fats before I get my ass kicked with the daily WOD.
Oh and by the way for today's workout I see myself getting about 2 rounds, 3 if I'm lucky. Damn thats a lot of work to get done in 20 minutes. Unless Jason will let me do Helen which I would like since its going to be awesome outside.
I was too tired this morning to even attempt today's WOD. I'm running in a 10k Saturday morning so I want my legs to be fresh, my goal is to win my age group!
Good luck Jeremy.
I'm pretty much the same... I need at least two hours pre-workout if I'm actually going to eat, and I usually do some chicken or turkey and veggies.
As far as weekends go... I'm kind of a bread/pastry addict. :) But I have this friend who smokes, and she always justifies it by "just having one" or just taking a few puffs of one. Yet she hasn't quit. So unless it's a special occasion, like a birthday or something, I try to limit my sweettooth by thinking of her and how "just one" doesn't really happen... Honest to God, it's either no cookies or the whole batch. :)
Is that a weird explanation?
4 rounds plus 17 box jumps
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