Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday 090124

"CrossFit Total"

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Post total to comments.

Compare to 081025.

John performs an L pull-up. If your stomach isn't strong enough to do one of these, check out Drills and Skills for directions (scroll to the bottom of the page) to make the PVC parallettes you see in the background. These will whip your stomach into shape in no time.


Andy said...

Back squat = 225 (Previous 215)
Shoulder Press = 155 (Previous 155)
Deadlift = 325 (Previous 295)

Thanks Crossfit Roselle!

Unknown said...

Back Squat 225
Shoulder Press 135
Dealift 375 PR

CFT = 735

Need to work on my squat big time.

Jason said...

BS - 325
SP - 155
DL - 395 PR

CFT = 875

Need to work on my shoulder press more than the others, but seeing how my shoulder hasn't been feeling well, I was happy.