Liliana seems to be having a good time during "Barbarba." Actually, she was laughing because her arms gave out doing push ups during her last round, and she just about fell on her face . It was funny. I wish I could have been in a laughing mood during my last round. Barbara made me want to puke. Sorry, Liliana! Your picture is the only one that didn't have chalk dust spots all over it, so I had to put you up.
Barbara was rough and my first time. After reading all the comments on the main site about it and listening to everyone talk about how she almost made them puke I was very nervous about it. I thought I was going to have to be cut short of the full workout. Suprisingly I wasn't. I finished in better time than expected:
1 6:06
2 6:55
3 8:36 (foot cramped on this one)
4 7:29
5 8:10
37:16 total. Very happy to be under 1 hour.
Wasn't sure on whether to push it in the middle in fear of blowing a gasket and not being able to finish. Jason pointed out that I needed to push it on the squats. That made a big difference in rounds 4 and 5. I was being a woose on the squats earlier. I think the next time I will take his advice starting from round one to get a better time.
Yeah only reason I was laughing is because I saw Jason with his handy dandy camera and figured this picture would have been a lot funnier had I actually fallen on my face. I have no doubt he would have posted it anyway.
1 - 6:39
2 - 6:31
3 - 7:02
4 - 7:39
5 - 6:13
34:03 Total
But of course I am not RX on my pullups, so I guess this is not as good as Norberto's. =)
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