Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday 090104

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps

Post loads to comments.

A CrossFit gym isn't complete until someone is kneeling over their own sweat drops! This is Eric during the recent "Murph" workout. Don't worry, I mop up every day.


Jeremy said...

I'm skipping today as I have been feeling under the weather this weekend, hopefully I'll be up for it tomorrow.

Jay Biddy said...


Jay Biddy said...

I'll send over some vitamin C.

Jason said...

295, 315, 335, 345, 350.

I was feeling pretty good after finishing, so I continued and did 21-15-9 reps of:

225# DL
Ring dips


I'm feeling it in my back this morning!