Five rounds for time of:
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
25 Back extensions
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Compare to 080402.
We got pull ups! I just finished installing 2 more stud bar pull up bars in the gym. Funny story about these things. I was telling my brothers about the stud bar, and i told them to visit their web site at Well, it turned out to be the wrong web address. It's actually Check out the difference for yourself...
I'm out of town this week on business, so I doubt I will get any crossfit in. I've got a 10k on Saturday so I probably will train for that. I laughed so hard I cried when I got the email from my other brother asking what type of gym Jason was opening!
Holy cow. That is way to hilarious. A mistake? C'mon man...
Can't wait to use the new bars. Just in time for "Barbara".
Did today's mainsite WOD. Oh my goodness. I finally did GHD situps RX. Those things kill.
I feel like I have a 6 pack right now.
"Barbara"....I hate her!!! She made want to cry.
3:57 (Cut all reps by 1/2)
3:20 (Cut all reps by 1/2)
Dang, was that hilarious!!! Jason, I could have sworn that was you dancing in the begining. :-)
Oh, Peewee, good luck with that chick "Barbara".
I was scared of the GHD sit ups before doing this WOD. They were tough, but I have to say my back is way tighter than my stomach right now.
11:36 Damn. I could not get those sit ups going in any kind of smooth rhythm. After round 2 I was just glad to finish.
I am very nervous about Barbara. Never done it before and it looks like an out of control Angie. See you tonight.
GHD - 20:53
This one made me turn green for a good 30 minutes. I am so glad this is done, but I am so hurting today. First Barbara and then this??? A little nuts.
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