For time 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 rep rounds of:
Virtual shoveling [wmv] [mov]
With an Olympic bar holding only one plate (men use 45 pound plate, women use 25 pound plate), touch the plate on one side of the barrier then the other for one "rep." Barrier is 24."
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Ouch! That's all I can say...
Finished in 15:36. This WOD looks kind of harmless on paper, but it really puts a beating on your forearms and back.
Not looking forward to this, after a weekend of "real" shoveling.
The pull ups paired with this make it pretty difficult. My forearms felt like they were about to explode! 15:20.
Also, I had been trying to figure out what an Angry Whopper was b/c I never heard of it...until yesterday. I was dying laughing when I saw the commercial, I can't believe there is such a thing! I'm with you Jason, I might have to go get one just so I can order an "Angry" Whopper!
Make sure you make it a Double Angry Whopper. This way you know what Albert felt like after he ate it. ha
I'm not looking forward to this workout. I'm still sore from the Rowing on Saturday!
If I remember correctly the last time virtual shoveling came up it was with push ups instead of pull ups. Either way it sucks. Just want to get it over with.
This workout sucked for me. I ripped my hands in 3 places. I couldn't finish the workout. PLEASE, NO PULLUPS TOMORROW! I'm for sure taping next time we have to do over 50 pullups
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