Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday 110126

With a 7 minute clock, complete the following:
 Row 500m
As many power snatches as possible, 115#/75#

Rest 4 minutes, then complete the following:

AMRAP 7 minutes of:
10 Medicine ball cleans, 20#/14#
10 Knees to elbows

Gut check:
What did you have for breakfast?  Sauteed onions & asparagus with eggs over easy and a blood orange (thanks, Dan M.!).  Post to comments.


Andy said...

Here's my breakfast:

Lets get ready and see how close we can get to the elite crossfitters :)

Unknown said...

4 scrambled eggs, a pear, 12 almonds and water.

Good workout today

Monty said...

coffee, black

TARDI said...

eggs over easy, some bacon, some pork sausage links, toast w/ butter, lots of milk, cheese on the eggs, hot sauce too...mmmm all cooked with loads of butter in the pan =] haha it was good i mus say

Action Andrew said...

Chipotle - burrito bowl with black beans, mild salsa, mixed vegetables, chicken, guacamole, cheese, and lettuce.

Also, what exactly is a blood orange?

Rudy said...

3 egg white omelet and 2 turkey sausage patties.