Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday 100920

"CrossFit Total"

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Add max weight from each lift for total score.

50 burpees for time.


Risebelow said...

Hey I would like everyone to get this is important that you know your total so you can know what weights to work at for future workouts. and to know where you are strength wise. With that being said if you miss it today I would be willing to let you make it up if possible

Derek said...

I have work tonight so I have to head out by 5pm. I'm going to try and make this a 30min day for me!

Jason said...

I think what Emmitt means is that you shouldn't skip out on today's WOD if you don't like heavy lifting. The strength component of CrossFit is just as important as any other component. So show up on time, get focused, lift safely, and throw some weight around!

Eric said...

Check out
One Rep Max
calculator to convert 3 or 5 rep max efforts to single rep estimates. Other great stuff on the site too.

sarah duck said...

thx eric - that is a handy tool. and - it was very close to what you recommended yesterday for my 1 rep max.