Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday 100324

5 rounds for time of:
200m sprint
10 sumo deadlift high pulls, 115#/75#
10 walking lunges
10 push press, 115#/75#

Guille performs chest-to-bar pull-ups from Tuesday's WOD. At 275#, the amount of power he must generate to complete the movement is awesome!


Kathy said...

My body say's you need a day off, my brain say's your ass needs to do this workout, which one will prevail? Find out a 4pm today! Maybe I will have a skills day with 200 meter sprint repeats?

Unknown said...

Damn, nice picture. Good thing those ring straps were in the way of his girth.

Eric said...

Didn't think I would be able to do this one Rx at 115lbs. Was happy to complete it with 95lbs.

Liliana said...

Really wanted to make it but got home to a sick husband. =(