Monday, March 15, 2010

Tuesday 100316

5 rounds for time of:
400m run
5 Clean & jerks, 185#/125#

New member Chris works through the straight-legged deadlifts.

Day 30 of the 30-day push-up challenge!


Andy said...

185lb Clean and Jerk!!! Dang, my max was 185lbs and then to do it 5 times after a 400m run for 5 rounds......That's not going to happen! I think 135lbs RX would have been good for this one... Just saying....However, this will be a good one! See you all tomorrow

danger said...

one more day of pushups!! yay!!!!

Kathy said...

MMM, I'll do mine at 135... just saying Andy, no problem scaling up! ;)

See you all this evening!

Unknown said...

80 more push ups to go for the final day of the 30 day push up challenge.

Guille said...

2900 hundred more push ups to go. I'm hoping to knock them out during my break.