8 rounds of:
Run 400 meters
Rest 90 seconds
Post total time to comments not including 8th rest.
Depending upon the weather, we may tweak this WOD as follows so it can be accommodated indoors: 2 rounds 500m row, 2 rounds 50 box jumps (24"/20"), 2 rounds walking lunge (50 steps), and 2 rounds 50 back squats (45#/35#). Rest 90 seconds between each round.
Day 16 of the 30-day push-up challenge!
Daaammmmnnn, look at those quads! ;)
Also, gonna get up and run this one today indoors... that cold air is a killa. Thank goodness nothing involving hands! My first blood at CF yesterday! And yes. That merely adds to my coolness. ;)
Also, nice new page graphics! I kinda miss the gray background but the title looks sweet. And now I shall go sleep to finish off my recovery from 28 is Great. ;D
Sorry for not making 6am. Forgot I'll be coming in at 5pm with Angel this week. I think today is a good for the run. Dry and not too cold. I'll row of course.
Hey I like the whit background. Just noticed that. Cool
22:36. I did on a treadmill and 10mph was my lowest speed. Not sure how I would have done on a track or outside...I usually run faster outside for some reason.
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