Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thursday 100304

7 Rounds for time of:
7 Kettlebell snatches right arm, 55#/35#
7 Kettlebell snatches left arm, 55#/35#
14 Knees to elbows
21 Double unders

Andy gets his first muscle up! Welcome back!

Day 18 of the 30-day push-up challenge.


Andy said...

I made that look EASYYYYY!!!! haha

Unknown said...

Cool. Good job. looked like a baby giraffe trying to walk for the first time.

Jason said...

Yeah, Norberto, it looked kinda like your first one except that his arm didn't look like it was going to snap.

Nice job, Andy!

Unknown said...

Yeah but my dip was a little quicker and I kipped with one leg.
Oh and I row with no legs.

danger said...

hahah u guys are funny.

baby giraffe LOL

awesome job andy!! back in full force!

Jason said...

Good points. You're definitely 1-up in my book.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thats all I wanted to hear.

Either way mine needs a lot of work as well. I just wanted to be one up on my sis thats all.

I'm also glad the Olalde's are representing. If Liliana doesn't do hers next I say Guillermo will.

the Treat! said...

You DO make it look easy! Why is it so hard when I actually try to DO it? :)

Jason said...

Andy VS. Norberto 1 April 2010
30 Muscle Ups for time!!!

Nice job Andy.

Unknown said...

Can't accept that challenge. I'll barely be getting my brace off at that time. Gotta rehab.

Lets go December.