Sunday, March 14, 2010

Monday 100315

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 Straight-legged deadlifts, 95#/65#
15 Knees to elbows
15 Overhead squats, 95#/65#

Andy and his son A.J. hanging out...

Day 29 of the 30-day push-up challenge! Only one day left!


Andy said...

Great job to all those who stuck with pushup challenge!

Overhead squats....GREAT....MY FAVORITE!!!!!

Unknown said...

I kid you not, AJ has the same face in this picture as Andy does in his wedding picture.

the Treat! said...

AJ was a beast today. He could have done AMRAP for 40 minutes.

the Treat! said...

Also, does anyone else think it looks like Andy has a pacifier in his mouth?