Five rounds for reps of:
1 min Wall ball shots, 20 pound
1 min 15 foot rope climb
Run 400m
Start each round exactly six minutes apart. Your rest period is whatever remains after the run.
Post total reps and ascents to comments.
If the ground is clear, then we can do this as prescribed. Otherwise, we'll stagger the start and row in place of the run. If you are unable to perform rope climbs, then sub in pull-ups.
Check out Norberto's first muscle up!!! Congratulations! It goes to show that despite injury, you can still improve in other areas.
Awsome job peewee... I looked like you said F yo couch... after u got it... LOL
He definitely said the F word! Awesome job Norberto... GAME ON to everyone else that wants one of these bad boys soo much. Do I feel a 30 day Muscle up contest coming on?
Thanks. Yeah I was so excited I didn't know how to act so I swore. A 30 day muscle up challenge sounds like a good idea. I think a lot of the people in our gym can really do these.
Great job Peewee. You strong! Keep up the great work.
Push-ups done!
Well done Norberto. You are DA MAN!!!
injured n all... thats so awesome peewee yay :o)
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