5 minutes of Rowing for calories
4 minutes of Box Jumps for reps (20/24)
3 minutes of hang squat snatches for reps (45/75)
2 minutes of wall balls for reps (10 ft high)
1 minute of Hand Stand Push Ups for reps
30-day push-up challenge begins today! 100 push-ups each day for 30 days straight. You can break up your push-ups throughout the day any way you want, just as long as you reach 100. Push-ups completed at the gym during warm-up or WOD count towards your total.
Congratulations to CrossFit Roselle's Kathy Slowinski on her First Place finish at the CrossFit Games Midwestern Sectionals!!!
Ahh crap, this weekend wasn't a dream! Pinch pinch pinch! Thanks everyone for pushing me, I challenge you all to push me harder for the next 10 weeks!
ps keep asking me how my diet is going! ;)
You should have known this weekend wasn't a dream as soon as you tried to get out of bed. My legs are toast.
You're off to a good start with the diet - no more flavored cafe lattes!!!
Great job this weekend!
Aweseome job! Way to represent.
Jason, How'd you do?
Toast, Burnt toast!!! - can't eat that on the new diet ;)
Please nobody ask me about my love of EGGS!
Your an animal kathy! Way to set the standard.
Way to go Jason and KATARZYNA. I saw you both on the vids they posted on the games website yesterday.
"50.... 50."
I haven't seen today's vid cuz I can't watch "Streaming Media" at work... bogus.
Way to put yourselves through that. What's the problem with eggs?
awww this is awesome! ur an inspiration kathy!! amazing!
Eggs, well actually had them for breakfast today, with bell peppers - I just ate way too many eggs in 2010, about 24 a week, 150 eggs in 6 weeks.. I need to find other sources of breakfast protein, Any ideas?
Kathy and Jason, it was great seeing you this weekend. Way kick some ass!!!! I love that picture with Jim on one of the podiums. He'll never live that down. Congrats on a great weekend.
By the way, that last comment was from Eric from Chi-Town CrossFit. Can't believe it still said Bucktown CrossFit (the first name I was contemplating).
Awessome! Congrats Kathy!
By the way, I see you guys are doing a 30 day challenge. Who won the 90 Day Challenge? I never saw or heard any news on that. Or did no one win. haha
Anyway, keep up the great work guys.
Congrats Kathy! Great work to both of you. :)
What's this new no-eggs diet? I've been eating more eggs (actually, egg whites) than ever since I've been Zone-ish. For breakfast, I eat a lot of cottage cheese as well.
PS... don't ask me how MY diet is going... :) I think I've fallen off the bandwagon for the last WEEK! ;)
No reason breakfast should be any different than any other meal. It is only so because of cultural tradition.
Keep that grill working through the winter on chicken, turkey, fish, grass-fed beef, bison. They cook just as fast as a hard boiled egg.
I find chicken and turkey keeps well in the frig once cooked. Grill a bunch and use in the morning too.
I'm sure everyone broke up theire pushups throughout the day. Not me....I wanted to see where I stood after being out of Crossfit for a month and having bad eating habits. Therefore, I did all 100 pushups for time: 7:31
DON'T LAUGH! That was the hardest 100 pushups. It felt harder than doing them during "Angie".
Lydia also did her 100.
See you guys soon!
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