Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Row 250 meters
Sumo deadlift highpull 95 pounds, 21 reps
Pull-ups 15 reps
Depending upon class size, we may have to substitute a 200m run for the row.
I ran across this website the other day - Has anyone had any experience with local grass-fed products? Let me know if you're interested, and we can give it a shot.
I've been buying grass-fed beef and bison at Whole Foods. Count me in for a share if we buy direct through a local farm. Either lamb, bison, or beef.
Very cool, I was just talking about not eating grocery store meat anymore because it is pumped with crap... I am strating to buy some organic veggies as well ($$$$)I 'd be in for any order of meat, Poultry, eggs, I get oberweiss milk and I am happy with that at the moment but would be willing to try farm milk as well.
Lets do this. I've been meaning to switch over to grass fed meats. It is pricey but I'm in.
After going through cancer a while back I'm convinced I got it from all this crap that gets put in our food now-a-days. No one in my family has ever had cancer, no grandparents, uncles cousins. I was the first. So I know it wasn't hereditary.
Put a list together Boss and lets order something. My freezer needs to be filled.
John, you were right we did do this one back on Febraury 7th at the old place. That was on a Saturday too.
Is everyone having problems entering their rounds on Beyond the Whiteboard today?
Last time we did this (2/7/09), I completed 3 Rounds + 250m Row.
Today.... 4 Rounds + 250m Row + 5 SDHP....NEW PR!
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