Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday 091017


Five rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups
95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 21 reps

Post time to comments.

If you cannot do muscle ups, we'll sub in 3x pull-ups and dips.

Have you seen me? I'm the one in the middle. I can occasionally be spotted doing L-sits like nobody's business, and I clean really well. If you see me, please drag me in to CrossFit Roselle.


Kathy said...

Maybe we should pay to have him put up on the side of a milk carton in a missing persons ad. Or maybe action can make a post on craigslist... what would the Acronym be for missing crossfiter?

Dara said...

That's hilarious, Kathy! Missing and looking for BAM for LT(C-rossfit)R. Reward given to any skeezies who respond will be a Hibachi dinner and the chance to become a FUBU. STD's ok ("cuz they're really not that bad anymore")!

Kathy said...

Cracking up! That is a prefect ad to place, action can you please place that ad on Craigslist for us

Andy said...

Ad is up and running on craigslist. Lets hope someone drops him off at the gym.

Lydia said...

Tina and I miss working out with you George!

Eric said...

After today, please no one mention Tyler again. He's not my favorite hero anymore.