Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday 090616

400m jog
Stretch/roll out joints
CFW x 3 rounds
Bergener warm-up

Snatch 5 x 5

3 rounds for time of:
200f walking lunge
35 GHD sit-ups
200m run
35 sit-ups

Let's welcome Mike as the newest CrossFit Roselle member! Not to pick on the new guy, as I think I remember that the bar was already starting to come down in this picture, but make sure that the bar is up high on the shoulders against the throat with elbows up when receiving a clean.


Unknown said...

Thats 1,968.503937 feet of walking lunges. Again, good buy legs.

Jason said...

The 200m walking lunge was actually an error, although John can do it that way if he wants. I changed it to 200 feet.

Unknown said...

Phew, you just made my day.

Yeah John will probably do it with a 45lb bar over his head for shits and giggles. Then you will feel challenged by that Latvian Satalion and you'll get out there and do it and beat him by 2 seconds. Or something like that.

In the meantime I'll be dropping to my left knee on every lunge.

Jeremy said...

see you guys at the gym tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Looking forward to meeting you Jeremy.

Kathy said...

In calli hoping to hit a CF gym today..