Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday 090604

Perform the following:

95# power snatch, 2 minutes (reps)
rest 1 minute
glute-ham sit-ups, 2 minutes (reps)
rest 1 minute
45# thruster, 2 minutes (reps)
rest 1 minute
row, 2 minutes (calories)
rest 1 minute
double-unders (reps)
rest 1 minute

Add total number of reps/calories for total score. Post to comments.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Good workout Jason, especially with the added three rounds of walking lunges, KB swings, and box jumps. I was especially happy with the inclusion of double unders in the WoD. This is the first time I've done DUs as part of a WoD. Having to perform them for time is much more interesting than practicing them in the warm up. We should do them Tabata style as a bonus round after a heavy day.