Sunday, June 21, 2009

Monday 090622

Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Handstand push-ups

Post time to comments.

Check these Handstand push-up variations for those of us who find them too hard or too easy to do as prescribed.


Andy said...

I'm coming back!!! I am excited!

Unknown said...

Ok so the box it is.

Unknown said...

John, whats that site you were talking about that was talking about eating more fats.

Jeremy said...

Hey, it was nice to meet you guys this weekend. Sorry I never made it to the gym, it just got too hectic. I'll be visiting again in the next couple months and I will make it then. This weeks task...FIND A GYM!

Unknown said...

Good to meet you Jeremy. Good luck in your gym shopping.

John said...

Nice meetin' ya, Jeremy.

Mark's Daily Apple

It's just this dude's blog. There's a lot of interesting stuff.

If anyone wants to do the Pull-up Party wod from yesterday, that'd be fine too. OR, if anyone feels like doing the workout I created Saturday, that's totally fine too. I think I'm going to do it today. After seeing George on the verge of tears, I figure I should at least give the thing a shot myself.

George said...

Andy, I'm looking forward to you coming back.

Jeremy, it was great seeing you again. Much fun with your new baby.

John, I won't be in today, not because of Saturdays work-out, I'm not feeling well. Massive headache.

I have pictures and videos from Sat. not sure how I can post them on here?

Andy said...

Everyone is right....Big fans are needed in the gym. Breathing was difficult especially with this heat.

It was good to be back!