Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday 090612

Warm up:
Stretch/roll out joints
Run 400m
3 rounds of:
10 air squats, facing wall
10 ring dips
10 hollow rocks
10 sumo deadlift high pulls, using kettle bell
10 pull-ups

Hand stand push ups

We will be doing a burpee/pull-up combo workout (see GI Jane on the main site). With a continuous running clock, you will do 1 burpee/pull-up during the first minute, 2 burpee/pull-ups the second minute, 3 burpee/pull-ups the third minute, etc., until you are unable to complete the number of reps in the allotted time. If you are unable to do an unassisted pull-up, we will modify it so that you are doing jumping pull-ups.

Post rounds completed to comments.

We have quite a few people (not picking on anyone in this photo, by the way) who are really making big improvements on their pull-ups but not equally on their dips. If you can do a pull-up, you should be able to do a dip. If you can do 10 pull-ups, you should be able to do 10 dips. If you fall into this category, we can fix it.


Kathy said...

My hands are rotten, can I sub the pull ups in the warm up for hand stand push ups or box jumps or something that doesn't rip my hands anymore? Otherwise, like the warm-up today! :) I will be there at 5, with bells on..;) For those of you who missed yesterdays WOD, it was a doozy, the hang cleans smashed you, John was a rock star and did his first set of 15 unbroken, must have been those special shoes.

John said...

Yeah I wasn't COMPLETELY sold on the shoes until that first round.

And since I didn't post yesterday, and so I only have to tell the story one more time...

A few Fridays ago, I did somewhere between 90 and 180 seconds of work all day. No exaggeration. During the 7 hrs and 57+ mins that I WASN'T working, I had the chance to design my own Chuck Taylors on the Converse website. There are endless combinations of colors you can choose... stripes, tongue, laces, inside, outside, etc... I was thinking about getting Bears colors but would have felt guilty paying $37 (per shoe) just for Bears colors. Luckily, the light bulb turned on and I realized I had no choice but to go with the the gorgeous maroon-white-maroon color scheme to show my respect to the motherland. And since you are only allowed 12 characters for your "ID," I couldn't get "LATVIAN STALLION." So I just did JZ.

Oh and I almost forgot... most importantly... these are not just "John's new shoes." These are "Riga Rompers."

(Riga is the capital of Latvia.)

(Also, the word i have to type for the "word verification" is "litiva")

Unknown said...

Thats too damn funny John. Looking forward to today's warm up and workout. This one should be interesting

Unknown said...

I totally remember doing GI Jane for the first and only time. Didn't really know how to position myself under the pull up bar. Ended up looking like I was trying to be Spiderman going from the burpee to the pull up. I was way too far away from the bar and had to leap for it. You had to be there to see how hilarious that looked.

Unknown said...

AHAHA! Jason you crack me up, ur just too funny making fun of me! dont worry I will be doing 30 dips in no time, you just wait and see :)

Unknown said...

If you guys have time or get a chance check out this story. This is the strongest toddler they had on TLC the other night. It was cool to wacth. This little 3 year old has 40% more muscle than the average 3 year old. He can do pullups.

Kathy said...

I watched that in the hotel in London, pretty cool story there are only 2 diagnosed cases of this in the world

Jason said...

John, it was a sign you were supposed to post that today. My word was fargin, as in my legs are still fargin sore today. Kathy, you can rest your hands today during the WU. Norberto, I'm laughing right now picturing you swatting at the bar. Mekenna, I don't know what you're talking about.