For time:
5 rounds of:
10 push-press, 75#/55#
10 pull-ups
followed immediately by
5 rounds of:
10 sumo-deadlift high pulls, 75#/55#
10 push-ups
Thanks to everyone for the baby shower this past weekend! Dara and I had a great time, and we really appreciate all of the great food and gifts! Volleyball and hoover ball were a blast! We can't wait for our baby boy to meet all of you once he arrives!
Cool shirt.
Yeah, it was fun! Can't wait to meet the new crossfitter.
can you say paleo is awesome
Okay, idk who that last person is, but I officially started Paleo today. I'm easing into it (I had some cheese) but doing it for realz. I figure I'll give it a shot for a month then decide if it's livable. ;)
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