Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday 100610

Deadlift 5 reps x 5

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 box jumps, 24"/20"
100m sprint
10 dumbbell push press, 5 each arm, 55#/35#
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Renee and Cate - tire flipping.


Jason said...

I'd like to point out that Erik S. ran a 4:59 mile yesterday at the beginning of the class, did a 15 minute WOD, then ran another 4:59 mile at the end of the class. Wow.

N Domis said...

Thats Big E for ya... Thats awsome erik. I need to start working out with ya again man so i can get the extra motivation during the runs.

Andy said...

WOW!!! I feel bad for all those crimimals that have you on a foot chase!

That's awesome!

All the Olalde's are about to go take over the 9a session at CrossFit El Paso East.

danger said...

holy moly. thats fast. awesome!

tire flipping was fun!! running. NOT FUN. thank god erica was there with me or i mite not have made those miles!

Unknown said...

Damn! That's fast. The Olalde's had a good morning workout at Crossfit El Paso. We took the locals. Guille was even instructing one after the wod on kipping pull ups.