Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday 100616

Deadlift, 5 reps x 5

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
100m run
5 Thrusters, 135#/95#
150m hill run
10 Toes-to-bar

We're halfway through the 30-Day Paleo Challenge! It's only been just over 2 weeks, but has anyone noticed any changes (weight, performance, etc.)? Any new recipes to share with the group?


danger said...

hhahaa nice action shot dad.

Liliana Vasquez-Guevara said...

Monty looks alot different from 2 weeks ago!

Andy said...

We did a small partner wod yesterday with some of our Houston family members. It was fun. Norberto created a wod using wood logs.

- Sprint approximately 100m
- 100 Power Clean to overhead (anyway)
- Sprint approximately 100m
- 100 Pushups
- 100 box jumps (jumps were onto deck at about 16" - 18")
- 100 situps

Partners were not able to do the same exercise at the same time except during the run.

It was a quick 13 - 16 minute wod, but fun!

I have to say, it has been tough to keep up on Paleo here with some much awesome tasting food and family.

We leave back home this Saturday so I will be strict Paleo for the rest of the time.

Really, though, I think my abs are really starting to show. Not a lot, but you can start to see them.

Andy said...

Yeah, me and Lydia were talking about Monty's picture.

Looking better, Monty!

Monty said...

A great little snack to satisfy a sugar craving is a spoonful of almond butter and mixed berries aka paleo pb&j.

Risebelow said...

for any of you guys who want a resource for Olympic lifts this is a great start.