Monday, June 21, 2010

Tuesday 100622

"28 is Great!"

For time:
1 Kettlebell swing, 55#/35#
2 Abmat sit-ups
3 Kettlebell swings, 55#/35#
4 Abmat sit-ups
5 Kettlebell swings, 55#/35#
6 Abmat sit-ups...
Continue alternating exercises and increasing reps by 1 until reaching 28 reps
...27 Kettlebell swings, 55#/35#
28 Abmat sit-ups


Unknown said...

Who's birthday WOD is this?

danger said...

awwww its ours!!! me and lover!! awesome.

btw... first and last day of paleo. lol so far i am eatin an egg right now. yay.

danger said...

i didnt even put cream in my coffee bc i was confused if that was allowed!! hahaa

Andy said...

Danger, you can eat more than an egg. Eat 3 or 4 eggs if you want. Don't starve yourself. You can eat as long as it is lean meats and vegetables and most fruits. No deli meats! Also, eat whenever you are hungry. Eat

danger said...

i kno andy...i have :( i had 2 eggs for breakfast, plus some strawberries and nuts. for lunch now im eating some turkey, another egg, and some cucumbers... but its not even 12. ill be hungry 3 more times before i leave work. and will run outta food to eat!! :(

Monty said...

Read the portion labeled 'Athletes'. Your body needs to adjust to the diet, and it takes longer than 1 day. The paleo diet is about changing how your body works, and how it processes food and fat. It takes weeks to "tune" your system.

Remember - suffering and sacrifice lead to growth and enlightenment (and a sexy body).

danger said...

ugh i kno. i mean i dont wanna be a puss bag. but this is too much. no dairy?! i mean what? i will suffer without carbs, starches....

i dont care what neone says tho. i will still have my chocolate. thatd be like takin away and alchy's vodka. NO.

so far... ok today. but i thought i brought a lot of food. and ive run out. minus an apple. and im gonna be so hungry.

Risebelow said...

monty is right on that one...I haven't eaten dairy, or going on a year on a regular basis that is, except for when I get my "five guys" on lol.

I wouldn't suggest you guys think you have to be 100% on this and don't beat yourself up if you are not.

If you guys have any questions you can email me I have been doing some version of zone or paleo for the past year or so.

my email is
or just facebook me I am friends with jason.