Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday 100617

Snatch balance, 3 reps x 5

As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
3 squat snatch, 115#/75#
6 sumo deadlift high pulls, 115#/75#
9 floor wipers, 115#/75#

New member Brian does a great job hitting full extension and locking out his thruster overhead.


danger said...

glad im missing this one. it hurts when i sneeze. breathe. laugh. talk. blink.

cu guys tomorrow!

eortega101 said...

If anyone is interested come out and support The Action Softball Team at the Clauss Center in Roselle across Park High School (West Campus). Game starts at 8:30 PM.

This workout looks refreshing. See you tomorrow Jason.